NKE Austria GmbH
Im Stadtgut C4
4407 Steyr
Phone: +(43) 7252 86667
Fax: +(43) 7252 86667-59

NKE Austria GmbH

NKE AUSTRIA GmbH - a manufacturer of premium bearings ? was founded in 1996 by a group of senior staff members of the former company Steyr W?lzlager. Within a decade, the NKE brand has emerged on the world bearing market as a significant alternative in the premium class. We offer both standard and special bearings for all industrial applications as well as technical services, including product development, application engineering, consulting, documentation and training. NKE?s core functions ? such as engineering, product development, final processing of components, modular assembly, quality assurance, logistics, sales and marketing ? are centralised at our headquarters in Steyr, Austria. The site is certified to ISO9001:2000 and ISO14001:2004. In April 2006, NKE was awarded the Austria Quality Seal in recognition of its high quality standards. Today, NKE bearings are distributed in more than 55 countries through over 240 distributors and 14 international representative offices.

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