Regal Rexnord
111 West Michigan St.
Milwaukee WI 53203
United States
Phone: 833-734-2500

ABMA Member

Regal Rexnord

Regal Rexnord is a global leader in the engineering and manufacturing of electric motors and controls, power generation products and power transmission serving customers throughout the world. Regal has manufacturing, sales and service facilities worldwide, designing advanced conveying technologies, Bearings, gearboxes, couplings, and mechanical power transmission components. We bring customers more than a century of technology and engineering experience, with advanced engineering solutions focused on helping customers create a better tomorrow by delivering energy reductions, lower cost of ownership and maximum efficiencies. 

Examples of Regal's commitment to excellence include Hub City® gear reducers and custom solutions, especially the IP69K-rated HERA® line which can help reduce inventory. Grove Gear® drives and speed reducers are available in cast iron or aluminum, and are used across a range of industries where quality and dependability are paramount. Milwaukee Gear custom motor and gearing solutions and Treat All Metals heat treating services provide output ranges from 1/12 to 6,000 HP, with a variety of enclosures and accessories. And a full range of Sealmaster® and Browning® mounted bearings along with McGill® cam followers.

Our Perceptiv intelligence engineering solutions focus on helping customers create a better tomorrow by designing outcome-driven asset management with advanced analytics to help drive down operating costs and maximize profits. Our expertise helps to deliver energy reductions, lower cost of ownership, maximize efficiencies, and move from reactive to proactive maintenance with remote monitoring and predictive analysis abilities.

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Assembly | Gear Failure & Fault Analysis | Gear Inspection Services | Gear Testing Services | Journal Bearings | Split Flanges | Thin-Section Bearings | Leaf Chain | Plastic Chain | Backstop Clutches | Friction Clutches-Disc | Overload Release Clutches | Overrunning Clutches | Diaphragm Couplings | Rubber-in-Shear Couplings | Shaft Couplings | Skived Gears | Stock Gears | Power Take-Offs | Gearboxes - Corrosion resistant | Gear Forging Services | Gear Honing & Burnishing Services | Gear Lapping Services | Gear Shaving Services | Gear Repair | Gear Failure & Fault Analysis | Gear Testing Services | Gear Inspection Services | Contract Broaching Services | Contract Keyseating | Pump Drives | AC 1-Phase Motors | AC 3-Phase Motors | AC Induction-Wound Motors | DC Brush-Type Motors | Cam Followers | Drive Tensioners | Guards | Motor Bases | Torque Sensors | Speed Sensors | Temperature Sensors | Vibration Sensors | Bearing Greases | Publications | Education and Training | Trade Shows and Events | Gearbox Repair | Gear Design | Metallurgical Testing Service | CAD Services | Field Inspection | Failure Analysis | Vibration Analysis | Asset Management | Resources | Services | Gears | Gear Drives | Gear Manufacturing Services | Accessories | Bearings | Chain & Chain Drives | Clutches | Couplings & U-Joints | Fluid Power | Lubrication | Motors | Sensors |