930 Whitmore Drive
Rockwall TX 75087
United States
Phone: 972.771.1000q


Established in 1893, Whitmore is a global leader in providing innovative products and services that increase the reliability, performance and lifespan of industrial assets. We manufacture reliability products, high performance lubricants, friction modifiers, application and inspection equipment, lubrication management systems and cleaners designed to meet the specific needs of each industry and application. Industrial customers worldwide rely on Whitmore to deliver the performance engineered solutions industry counts on even in the most adverse conditions and demanding environments.

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Gear Greases | Gear Oils | Other Lubricants | Friction Clutches-Cone | Synthetic Lubricants | Greases, Oils and Lubricants | Lubricating Equipment | Lubricants | Accessories | Clutches | Lubrication |