Zeiss Industrial Metrology LLC
6250 Sycamore Lane North
Maple Grove MN 55369
United States
Phone: (800) 327-9735
Fax: (763) 533-0219

Zeiss Industrial Metrology LLC

 Zeiss Industrial Metrology is the world’s leader in CNC coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) and complete solutions for multidimensional metrology in the metrology lab and production. We offer bridge-type, horizontal-arm and inline measuring machines, as well as form, contour and surface measuring machines, our METROTOM Computed Tomography system, the O-INSPECT multi-sensor CMM, and our F25 microsystem CMM. We develop and manufacture all key components, such as controllers, software, measuring systems and sensors to provide the best metrology experience. Zeiss Industrial Metrology has three manufacturing locations and more than 100 sales and service centers to supply customers around the world. Our international headquarters, offices and production facilities are located in Oberkochen, Germany. Our North America headquarters and production facility is located in Maple Grove, MN, and we have a technical center in Brighton, MI and a brand new technical center in Irvine, CA. And our Shanghai, China production facility brings ZEISS technology to Southeast Asia.

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Gear Measuring & Testing Machinery | CNC Gear Measuring Systems | Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs) | Analytical Gear Inspection Machines | Gear Inspection Services | Gear Inspection Software | Inspection Equipment | Services | Software |