CoroCut 2 Offers Versatile Parting and Grooving to Stay on Track
Cutting tool and tooling system specialist Sandvik Coromant is upgrading its long-established CoroCut 1-2 parting and grooving concept. Improved stability, even greater flexibility, and significant productivity gains are just some of the benefits offered by the new CoroCut 2 system.
CoroCut 1-2 has long been a cornerstone of parting and grooving, and the concept’s renowned versatility and reliability have made it a real asset to many a workshop. The concept is set to receive a major upgrade, which will see it renamed CoroCut 2.
What can we expect from the new CoroCut 2? “For a start, all the features and benefits you have come to expect from the existing concept — versatility, cost-efficiency, and secure machining — are still there,” says Jenny Claus, product manager, parting and grooving, at Sandvik Coromant. “We work in close cooperation with our customers, sharing our knowledge while striving to listen and be attentive to their needs and their constructive viewpoints. The result has been overwhelmingly positive.”
Stability is key when working with all parting and grooving operations. The main challenge is keeping the insert in place to minimize all forms of insert movement. The well-established rail interface, previously available on medium and large inserts, offers more precise insert positioning and makes the insert resilient to any lateral forces exerted on it. This rail interface will now also be available on smaller insert sizes, guaranteeing stability in all operations.
CoroCut 2 parting blades are upgraded with internal coolant and an improved clamping finger design, which offers a higher clamping force and better side stability — a welcome advantage when making chamfers before parting off. Tool holders with precision coolant are updated with a screw clamp solution, which — combined with the rigid rail insert seat design — keeps insert movement to a minimum without any loss of clamping force.
Other important features included in the upgrade are new and updated grades and geometries, including the new first-choice grade GC1225, a wiper design for all parting geometries, and greatly enhanced edge line quality on all inserts.