
September 30, 2021

Product News Industry News

Cotta Offers Remote Monitoring for Gearboxes

Cotta is now offering industry leading remote monitoring capabilities for many gearboxes within their product line. Remote monitoring allows the user to view real time performance of gearbox specific functions such as: hours of operation, hours under load, input speed, output speed, oil temperature,
oil pressure, clutch position (engaged, disengaged), clutch performance (wet clutch versions) and oil level.

These parameters, or any combination thereof, can be viewed on a customizable dashboard accessed via a webpage. Critical to function parameters can be reviewed, and decisions on normal service and overall gearbox performance can be made without having to physically inspect the gearbox, thereby saving time and money.

Remote monitoring is ideal for equipment in remote locations, such as oilfield, mining, natural gas compression stations, etc. This technology allows you to monitor your system to keep track of important gearbox parameters, and to know when routine maintenance may be needed. Cotta can create a remote monitoring gearbox for your specific application. 
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