CTI Berlin Presents Young Drive Experts Award
Once again, three candidates qualified for the CTI Young Drive Experts Award at the 17th CTI Symposium: "Automotive Drivetrains | Intelligent | Electrified ". The finalists Lukas Pointner (Technical University of Munich), Marc England (Leibniz University Hannover) and Ruben König (Technical University of Darmstadt) first presented their work in the form of Pecha Kucha presentations to an audience of 1,000 industry representatives. Then the Applausometer determined who placed first, second and third.
Lukas Pointner received the greatest response from the expert audience for his work "Multibody Simulation for Characterization of High-Dynamic Form-Fit Shifts of Alternative Shifting Elements for Automatic Transmissions". He was referring to a project in which the TU Munich, together with the company Hoerbiger, developed the so-called "TorqueLINE Cone Clutch" in order to increase the efficiency of ATs and DCTs. In this context, Pointner has developed a multi-body simulation that can be used to predict the influence of various clutch geometries and wear on operating behavior. He has thereby made an important contribution to the design and control of this innovative transmission component.
Dr. Ing. Ruben König was also able to win the crowd with his Master's thesis on "Gear Shifts and Mode Changes in Electric and Hybrid Electric Powertrains with Dog Clutches", and secured second place and the recognition of the experts that were present. Jaw clutches can make an important contribution to cost savings and increased efficiency. In order to ensure comfort when switching and changing models at a level comparable to AT/ DCT, he has investigated a parallel hybrid concept with a double electric motor. In his work, he presents the corresponding vehicle simulation model, as well as the implementation, in a demonstrator vehicle.
Last but not least, M.Sc. Marc England provided an automated method for optimally designing the wiring of multi-layer hairpin windings in his Master's thesis entitled "Automated Design of Hairpin Windings as Tabular Winding Diagrams". The use of electric motors with hairpin windings makes it possible to produce high torques and power in confined spaces. This is particularly successful when the number of layers is high. With regard to electrical vehicle systems, his work provides an attractive approach for installing cost-effective e-machines with hairpin windings in passenger car propulsion systems.