Digimar Height Gage Provides Smooth Movements for Positioning
The Digimar 817 CLM height measuring instrument from Mahr Federal will be featured at WESTEC 2008 from March 31–April 3. The gage offers three distinct ways to initiate measurement. Along with normal keypad initiation, the quick mode feature allows the cycle to be initiated by simply pushing the carriage in the direction of the object. Speed keys allow the operator to move the carriage to the desired position to start a measurement. Combined with the Teach-In mode, these features can reduce inspection time for a miniseries consisting of only a few test pieces.
According to the company’s press release, the gage offers an air bearing system facilitating smooth movement for positioning. It boasts an optical incremental measuring system with a double reader head that’s insensitive to dirt. The probing system provides high repeatability, and a stainless steel guide column with precision ball bearings tracks the measuring head.
The Digimar 817 CLM can function in both 1D and optional 2D, including dynamic measurement functions with analog display such as Max, Min and Max/Min. Data can be printed via a USB-connected printer, saved on integrated USB memory or output using a RS232-interface. Mahr Federal’s MarCator 1081 digital indicator and MarCator 1088 digital indicator will also be on display at WESTEC 2008.