Dillon Soft Blank Top Jaws Assure Consistent Part Clamping
Soft jaw blanks from Dillon Jaws feature a milled surface on the jaw end, opposite to the clamping surface, which serves as an easy-locating feature. This datum serves as a location point for positioning the counter-bored holes and the jaws’ serrations resulting in exact dimensional matching of Dillon jaw sets. These features reduce set-up times, aid concentric performance, provide better chuck balance, and have a longer jaw life because of the increased jaw accuracies. As a result of having established surfaces in relation to the jaw serrations, Dillon Chuck Jaws consistently perform as a standard workholding component for turned or bored parts.
Available in 1018 steel, and 6061 aluminum as well as 4140, 8620, and A2, brass, Delrin, or stainless steel to suit virtually any CNC or manual chuck project involving turned or bored parts. They are ideal for second operation finishing work such as shafts, gear blanks, wheel hub and bearings, and more.