
September 1, 2009

Product News Industry News

Discuss New Gear Making Technologies with Drake At Gear Expo

Drake Manufacturing Services invites customers and friends to their booth, number 309, at Gear Expo, September 15-17 at the Indianapolis Convention Center, Indianapolis, IN.

Manufacturers are encouraged to discuss their unique gear production challenges with Drake Manufacturing application engineers who will be on hand to offer solutions using a variety of Drake machines and automation systems including:

  • Linear Motor Profile Gear Grinders - CNC finish grind gears in one setup-to AGMA 14-with fast changeover. Machine handles small batch production.
  • Linear Motor Worm Grinders - grind single and multi-start worms-ZK, ZI, ZN, ZA or free form-6 arc second index capable.
  • Steering Rack Milling Machines - auto load production cell machine-mill racks in 35 seconds to a 0.4 Ra finish.
  • Control Renewals - in field CNC "brain transplants" for Hobbers, Grinders and Mills-or complete remanufacture in Drake's shop. Downtime for control upgrades in the field is only two weeks.

Manufacturers of steering systems are especially encouraged to visit the booth. Drake has developed machines, software and automation solutions for producing each major component in modern parallel axis or worm gear systems. Information, sample parts, software demos and video will be available on all Drake gear production systems.

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