
May 14, 2021

Industry News

DMG MORI Offers Digitization Webinar Series

DMG MORI offers applications that allow for easy creation of machining programs on a PC or at the machine control. Operators can easily input data by following guidance, which leads to drastic reduction in programming time. Topics in the May 18th and May 20th webinar "Programming Continuity: From PC to Machine with Visual Programming System" will include an introduction to VPS, an introduction to Shopmill, data format and operability as well as machine specific functionality. 

DMG MORI Messenger is a premier monitoring software tool that provides live monitoring and historical productivity analysis from any web browser-equipped device. It can also alert staff when a machine stops, adding a layer of insurance in both manned and automated operations. Topics in the June 22 and June 24th webinar "Maximize Shopfloor Productivity with DMG MORI Messenger" includes an introduction to the new Messenger V4, application/use cases and extendibility. 

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