
April 25, 2013

Industry News

DMG-Mori Seiki Earns NIMS Accreditation

DMG/Mori Seiki USA announced that its training center, DMG/Mori Seiki University (DMSU) is the latest addition to the network of National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS)-accredited training programs.  

This accreditation focuses on CNC machining and machine maintenance, and requires that all trainers gain credentials in a variety of NIMS skills certifications. DMG/Mori Seiki Chief Learning Officer, Rod Jones, led the accreditation process, along with Doug Pierce, manager of educational operations, and John Roufis, manager of technical instruction. A recent on-site evaluation at the DMSU facility in Hoffman Estates, Illinois, solidified the accreditation; over the two day visit, an all-star NIMS Evaluation Team scrutinized all aspects of the University, assessing educational and physical aspects.

“Our team found the entire staff, faculty and administration fully committed to expanding NIMS credentialing within their company and affiliated distributors," says NIMS Team Leader Joan Cook. “The facility is state of the art, with exceptional opportunities for the participants to learn—and to ultimately earn NIMS credentials."

Cook and her team “awarded the highest ratings in all seven areas of evaluation,” according to NIMS, including program purpose; facilities; equipment, tooling, and measuring devices; program features; administration/management; instructional staff; and trainee credentialing.

Through a balance of on-site, Web-based, and classroom training formats, DMSU has established itself as an industry-leading resource—with the ability to transform entry-level machinists into the highly skilled experts that the industry demands.

“We at DMG/Mori Seiki USA not only pride ourselves on our machine technology, but also the fact that we help our customers make the most of it—through solid support and education,” says Jones. “We’re delighted to have received the NIMS accreditation, as it proves our dedication to going beyond machine-tool builder—to respected industry educator.”

In addition to the requirements of the accreditation, several DMSU trainers also earned the NIMS On-The-Job Trainer credential in 2009, which shows that staff members possess the core competencies required to optimize the education experience.

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