Industry News

January 20, 2023

Manufacturing Industry News

DMG MORI Updates Solar Panel System Project

In January 2022, it was announced that DMG MORI Manufacturing USA, Inc. (DMM) would be investing an estimated $3.4 million towards the installation of a 2,000 kilowatt (kW) solar panel system on the roof of its manufacturing site in Davis, California. 

The first phase of the project, installing 500 kW of the 2,000 kW total plan, has completed and started generating fully renewable electricity on November 30th, 2022. The second phase to install the remaining 1,500 kW of power generating capacity met all regulatory approvals and began construction in December 2022. The expected completion is within Quarter 2, 2023.

DMG MORI has made it a responsibility to commit to providing a 100 percent climate-neutral environment. This project is an extension of that promise to the community with the goal of generating carbon-free electricity that will cover all factory electricity usage. After the solar panel system is completed, the cost of electricity at DMM is anticipated to decrease significantly.

Anthony Serra, executive vice president of DMG MORI Manufacturing USA, Inc., stated, “Sustainability is core to the values of DMG MORI globally, and I am proud that we can utilize the unique attributes of our facility located in California to uphold this guiding principle. When completed, our solar power generation capacity will exceed our annual electricity usage, which will reduce utility costs and contribute to a sustainable future for manufacturing in the USA.”


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