
April 26, 2011

Product News Industry News

Duo Plus Boasts Efficient Grip System

One of the most important keys to success in modern workpiece production is efficiency. Machines are supposed to perform more than just one task with fewest separate steps and tool changes possible. Dual high-pressure clamping sets like the Duo produced by Allmatic-Jakob Spannsysteme GmbH are suitable for such applications. With the Duo Plus 125, Allmatic unites the advantages of its predecessor model with some additional innovations. Duo Plus 125 has been equipped with Allmatic's grip system. That way, clamping unfinished parts as well as pre-machined workpieces of different geometries is possible without any ado. In earlier systems like Titan, T-Rex, and Centro, Allmatic has already incorporated its grip system which is a modular assembly kit with exchangeable jaws. Duo Plus is primarily meant as a mono block in large machines such as horizontal milling machines. However, the high-pressure clamping set can be mounted to a machine table, too. The fully enclosed maintenance-free high-pressure spindle facilitates chip removal and maintenance and guarantees reproducible clamping forces of up to 40 kN.

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