
February 14, 2011

Product News Industry News

ECM Machining Eliminates Tool Wear

An increasing demand for precision manufacturing, higher efficiency and machining of new materials are pushing traditional machining processes to their limits. In order to meet these demands, electro-chemical machining has become the new machining process of choice for many applications. ECM is a method that offers advantages over the traditional metal-cutting processes. ECM allows machining of difficult contours as well as abrasive materials in a tool wear free environment. Eliminating tool wear has been a major contributor for the popularity of the ECM process. Increasingly more contouring processes for work pieces are being manufactured using ECM or PECM technology, that otherwise could not be machined in a cost effective way. EMAG is able to offer a variety of solutions for aerospace, automotive, power generation and electronic manufacturing industries. Find out more about electro-chemical metal machining at the website below.
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