
January 6, 2009

Product News Industry News

Ergonomic Handwheels from aMsp Feature Stationary and Revolving Grips

A new series of cast iron handwheels from All Metric Small Parts - aMsp are attractively designed stationary and revolving grip models which conform to DIN 39 Style E. These gray, 3 spoked, handwheels are stocked in 8 diameters ranging from 80 mm up to 250 mm. Novo-Grip positioning wheels improve ease and performance in all applications. The aMsp eStore shows single unit as well as quantity prices for these handwheels which are stocked for overnight delivery worldwide. Applications include their use in linear motion and rotary table positioning. 3D CAD models are available for download at the aMsp Web site.


Buy it: http://www.catalogds.com/db/service?command=browse&domain=amsp

Request catalog: http://www.allmetricsmallparts.com/RequestCat.htm

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