
May 12, 2017

17th International ASTM/ESIS Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics

ASTM International Committee on Fatigue and Fracture (E08) is sponsoring the 17th International ASTM/ESIS Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics, May 10-12, at the Sheraton Centre Toronto, Toronto, Ontario. The workshop will take place in conjunction with the May standards development meetings of the committee.

The symposium is intended to promote discourse and disseminate state-of-the-art advances in analysis methodologies and testing techniques in the areas of fatigue and fracture mechanics related to engineered structures, components, and devices.

Registration is now open and closes on May 3, 2017. Registration questions can be directed to Kelly Dennison (see below). For technical information or questions on the workshop, contact workshop co-chairs Dr. Min Liao (min.liao@nrc.cnrc.gc.ca) or Douglas Wells (douglas.n.wells@nasa.gov)

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