
Jan 20, 2009

Annual Midwest Region Lean "Open Mic Night" Networking Event

Weber Grill Restaurant, 2331 Fountain Square Drive, Lombard, IL. From 5:15 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., lean practitioners share their lean success stories at "Open Mic Night," sponsored by the Association for Manufacturing Excellence. In its second successful year, this event has proved both popular and beneficial to those looking to connect with others on the lean journey and build their benchmarking network. AME's "Open Mic Night" provides take-away strategies that executives can put into action right now in their own facilities.  Participants should bring a flash drive with two continuous improvement examples or hard copies of the same and share their best practices within a five-minute time frame, whether from a visual factory/office, a kaizen blitz, annual review or more. Attendance is limited; advance registration highly recommended. Cost: $130 for AME members; $130 for non-members as well for this event.  Advance registration recommended. 

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