Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel, State College, PA.
This intensive, three-day course is designed for users of powder metal (PM) parts and those looking for an introduction to PM, to update knowledge on recent developments in PM, to broaden background in the field and to enhance advancement opportunities through expanding knowledge. Attendees do not need a technical background to benefit from this basic short course. It is designed for engineers, tool designers, product designers, metallurgists, supervisors, purchasing agents, technicians, managers, hands-on workers, administrators, quality control personnel or office personnel. Topics covered include the history of PM-including current and future developments, why PM is a viable method of producing metal parts, why use is widespread in industries, designing for PM, how metal powders are produced, different designs used in compacting tools, how sintering develops the functional properties, metal injection molding, secondary operations, MPIF standards, special tests for powders and more. Attendees receive over $400 worth of publications.