CAR Management Briefing Seminar
Traverse City, Michigan. The CAR Management Briefing Seminars is an annual gathering of more than 900 auto industry, academic and government leaders addressing critical issues and emerging trends in an atmosphere designed to build relationships. For more than four decades, the event has featured thought leadership focused on all facets of the business, and included C-level speakers from throughout the automotive world. This year’s Automotive Strategy sessions will discuss “Mobility, Sustainability, Profitability,” while targeted sessions focus on global manufacturing strategies, lightweighting, connected vehicles, powertrain developments, sales forecasting, purchasing, policy, designing for technology, and capital investment. The schedule allows plenty of time for networking and socializing with colleagues. The social hours each evening are renowned for their friendly atmosphere, and offer attendees a great opportunity to meet key people from throughout the industry. The week's networking activities kick-off with a scramble golf tournament on Sunday, August 4.