
Apr 11, 2014

Basic Training for Gear Manufacturing

Richard J. Daley College, Chicago. The AGMA Training School for Gear Manufacturing will enable you to become more knowledgeable and productive. The Basic Course teaches students to set up machines for maximum efficiency, to inspect gears accurately, and to understand basic gearing. Although the Basic Course is designed primarily for newer employees with at least six months experience in setup or machine operation, it has proved beneficial to quality control managers, sales representatives, management, and executives. This course offers training in: gearing and nomenclature, principles of inspection, gear manufacturing methods, hobbing and shaping and more. Although all training is basic, on manual machines, everything that students learn is valid and applicable with the CNC equipment commonly in use. By using manual machines, students can see the interaction between the cutting tool and the workpiece. They understand the process and the physics of making a gear. 

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