
May 15, 2014

Gearbox System Design: The Rest of the Story... Everything But the Gears and Bearings

Sheraton Sand Key Hotel, Clearwater Beach, Florida. The design of a gearbox system is much like a Hollywood movie production – the “stars” often get the recognition, while the “supporting cast” barely gets a mention! In a gearbox system, the stars are the gears and bearings. The supporting cast is everything else, including seals, lubrication, lubricants, housings, breathers and other details. Explore the gearbox system supporting cast of characters at the Gearbox System Design Seminar. The treatment starts with basics, such as some history of design, the environment in which the gearbox must “live” and the loading to which the system will be subjected. Loading includes starting/stopping, continuous, reversing, cyclic and possible errant loads conditions. Instructed by Raymond Drago, chief engineer - gear technologist, Drive Systems Technology, Inc. and Steve Cymbala, senior drives engineer, Drive Systems Technology, Inc.

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