
Jan 18, 2017

Symposium on International Automotive Technology (SIAT)

Symposium on International Automotive Technology (SIAT) is a widely covered biennial international event organized by ARAI. SIAT serves as an important forum for sharing ideas and knowledge concerning promising areas of Automotive Engineering and Technology, wherein eminent experts world over present Keynote and Technical Papers in multiple sessions. SIAT 2017, the 15th in the series, is being organized by ARAI in association with SAEINDIA, NATRiP and SAE International, at its campus in Pune (India) from 18 to 21 January 2017. This forthcoming edition of SIAT assumes special significance, since ARAI turns 50; a month prior to this symposium’s schedule. SIAT 2017 is going to be a memorable one, considering the grand finale of ARAI’s Golden Jubilee program.

In this symposium over 200 technical papers, including 40 Keynotes, on various subjects will be presented. Apart from Symposium proceedings, Technical Reference Bulletin containing technical articles, case studies and product information, will be published. There will be panel discussions and student poster presentation competition too. An exposition, SIAT EXPO 2017, will also be organized concurrently at ARAI from 18-21 January 2017, where a spectrum of worldwide companies will showcase Automotive Products, Equipment, Services and Technology Solutions in various stalls.


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