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AGS Manufacturing Training Series - Introduction to Gear Process Engineering
2/22/18 1:00 am EST
Event Description
Naperville, Illinois. The intensive three-day course is designed to provide attendees with a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals involved in successful processing of gears for manufacturing. In this course, the attendees will learn: evaluating the blueprint for processing; determining equipment and sequences required for producing the part; strategies for efficient, cost saving processing; review of major production operations for processing insights; principles of locating surfaces and stock allowance; the impact of heat treatment; quality - Surface Temper Etch and Magnaflux and much more. Upon completing the course, attendees will have processed sample gears, and will fully understand the core principles - preparing them for further on-the-job refinement of their skills. Attendees will also receive an in-depth training manual for future reference on key topics. The seminar will benefit new manufacturing engineers, new hires with little process engineering experience and experienced shop personnel transferring into engineering.