2018 Coordinate Metrology Society Conference
The Coordinate Metrology Society (CMS) today announced online registration is open for the 2018 Coordinate Metrology Society Conference (CMSC). This year, the conference opens its doors from July 23 - 27, 2018 at the Grand Sierra Resort in Reno, NV. The eminent membership association for 3D measurement professionals has traditionally served the portable metrology community for more than 30 years. For the first time, the organization cordially invites the coordinate measurement machine (CMM) industry at large to attend the CMSC and join its membership society. The five-day event is a truly unique venue for both master and novice users seeking an educational, dynamic atmosphere for career development. The plenary and track sessions include distinguished speakers and leading metrology practitioners from around the world. To learn more about the 2018 CMSC Program and register for this annual event, visit the website below.
Designed to empower a rapidly evolving profession, the CMSC attracts metrology practitioners, quality control managers, manufacturing executives, scientists, students and educators. Attendees will find enriching, informative opportunities to learn about technology achievements, network with high-level master users, and get an overall picture of the state of the metrology industry. The conference is renowned for its original, expert-level technical papers and presentations covering the successful use of measurement and inspection technologies, industry best practices, new applications and innovations emerging in the field. The CMS Executive Board peer reviews all technical papers and publishes top selections in its prestigious, high-impact Journal of the CMSC.
The CMS not only supports metrologists through education, the society connects conference delegates to leading original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), software developers and service providers. The CMSC Exhibition Hall is an action-packed hub featuring the popular Measurement and Education Zones and more than 45 exhibitors showcasing the most current 3D measurement and inspection solutions utilized in manufacturing, research and development, and various scientific fields. Exhibitors are also cordially invited to participate at the CMSC and should contact Exhibits Chair Phil Caudill at exhibits@cmsc.org for more information.
The CMSC Weekly Pass includes entry to a well-rounded program of more than 20 technical sessions, multiple workshops, the CMSC Exhibition Hall, the ever-popular Measurement and Education Zones, networking events and post-conference access to all technical papers and presentation materials. Attendees can also participate in training courses, metrology challenges, educational forums, industry updates and a local tour. CMSC 2018 presents a stimulating learning experience for anyone interested in expert commentary and peer discussion of the current and future challenges facing metrology and manufacturing professionals today. New attendees are encouraged to attend the Conference Orientation directly before the Monday evening icebreaker event.