
May 3, 2018

Discover More with Mazak Midwest

Midwest Technology Center, Schaumburg, Illinois.Explore the latest manufacturing technologies and techniques that can quickly elevate your shop to a higher level of productivity. During this event, attendees will experience a variety of advanced Milling, Turning, 5-Axis and Multi-Tasking machines and see how Smooth Technology can assist manufacturers. Topics include MTConnect, emerging technologies, programming techniques and more. Knowledge Zone presentations will also be avialble with Mazak's Value Inspired Partners (VIPs). 

At the event, several machines, including the QUICK TURN 250 and the QT-PRIMOS 100 turning centers, will be paired with cost-effective automation systems to demonstrate how easy it is to gain versatility, flexibility and productivity with the right automation solution. The QUICK TURN 250 will feature a prepackaged robotic loading system that maximizes profit potential by enabling unmanned operation, while the high-speed, high-accuracy and high-torque QT-PRIMOS 100 will have a gantry loader that speeds loading and unloading.

Additionally, attendees will discover how easy it is to securely enter the world of IIoT with the Mazak SmartBox. This scalable, end-to-end solution connects manufacturing equipment, including machines, software and other devices, to a factory’s network and allows the free flow of information to management systems via MTConnect 

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