Gear Dynamics and Gear Noise Course
The purpose of this unique short course is to provide a better understanding of the mechanisms of gear noise generation, methods by which gear noise is measured and predicted and techniques employed in gear noise and vibration reduction. Over the past 38 years more than 2000 engineers and technicians from over 370 companies have attended the Gear Noise Short Course.
The course is of particular interest to engineers and technicians involved in the analysis, manufacture, design specification or utilization of simple and complex gear systems. Industries that find this course helpful include the automotive, transportation, wind-energy, process machinery, aircraft, appliance, general manufacturing and all gear manufacturers.
The course material is covered in such a way that the fundamentals of gearing, gear dynamics, noise analysis and measurements are covered first. This makes the course appropriate to the gear designer with minimal knowledge of noise and vibration analysis as well as to the noise specialist with little knowledge of gears.
A popular feature of this course is the interspersing of demonstrations with lectures. The extensive measurement and computer software capabilities of the Gear and Power Transmission Research Laboratory allow them to do this in a simple and non-commercial manner.
On the first day, the lecturers discuss why even perfect gears make noise. They present in both qualitative and quantitative terms how gear design parameters and manufacturing errors affect noise. The concept of gear transmission error, one of the major contributors to gear noise, is developed, and methods of predicting transmission errors from design and manufacturing data are presented. Participants get a clear physical insight into the problems they face and how they may apply course knowledge to help solve their gear noise problems.
On the second day, lecturers concentrate on gear system dynamics and acoustics, transmission error calculations and advanced signal processing.
The third day's lectures briefly discuss the sources and simulation models of gear rattle and the activities of the Gear and Power Transmission Research Laboratory as well as spending several hours in the case history workshop.
This novel approach to discussing "real life" gear noise and dynamics problems has been used in this course since its inception. The workshop has been lauded by past attendees for its practical flavor. The purpose of this workshop is to allow the course instructors and participants to interact and to discuss gear noise and dynamics case histories presented by course attendees. They are asked to present a brief synopsis of problems they have encountered or of a procedure they have used for gear noise analysis and reduction. Possible approaches to solve each problem will be discussed.
Throughout the course, laboratory and computer software demonstrations are used to illustrate gear noise measurement and analysis techniques. The facilities of the Gear and Power Transmission Research Laboratory and the Acoustics and Dynamics Laboratory are used for these demonstration.
The sessions on Day 4 will address the following topics and related simulation or experimental methods: spacing error (gear design and dynamics); casing vibration, acoustics and system models; advanced gear excitation measurement; gear rattle and vehicle clunk models and case studies; and verification and validation issues.
Dr. Donald Houser is the co-course organizer and will lecture on gear design, gear noise excitations, gear modeling, and the measurement of gear dynamics and gear noise. He is Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering and Founder of the Gear Dynamics and Gear Noise Research Laboratory at Ohio State. He has been active in gear dynamics research for over 45 years and has served as a consultant for numerous companies. Dr. Houser is past Chairman of ASME's Power Transmission and Gearing Committee, past Chairman of ASME's Gear Noise Committee, a member of AGMA Noise Committee, and author of gear noise chapters in Gear Handbook (D. Townsend, editor) and Handbook of Noise & Vibration Control (M. Crocker, editor).
Dr. Rajendra Singh is the course organizer and directs the Acoustics and Dynamics Laboratory at Ohio State. He is well recognized for research in geared system vibration and noise, bearing-casing dynamics, gear rattle analysis and nonlinear driveline dynamics (over the past 37 years at Ohio State). He has published more than 500 articles, and is a fellow of ASME, ASA, SAE, and INCE/USA. He has received several national awards for both teaching and research. Dr. Singh has developed and teaches an innovative graduate course sequence in automotive noise and vibration control in partnership with General Motors. He served as the President of the Institute of Noise Control Eng. in 2003.
Advance registration is required and should be completed as soon as possible. Payment details (via major credit card) are posted on the web site. Applicants are usually accepted on a first come, first served basis to the limit of the course. However, the organizers reserve the right to limit admission to the best qualified. Course payment must be completed along with or immediately after the registration to confirm the attendance.
The agenda, nearby hotels, parking, airport transportation, and other relevant information are posted on the web page below.