
May 17, 2022 - May 20, 2022

Trade Shows & Events Events

GrindingHub 2022

Messe Stuttgart
Stuttgart, Germany

GrindingHub offers the latest solutions in grinding technology and superfinishing. The trade fair’s focus includes grinding machines, tool grinding machines, abrasives, software tools and measuring and testing systems. Before and after the trade show, GrindingHub offers hybrid events including digital formats for matchmaking, web seminars, conferences as well as the communication of current trends and innovations across all channels. The “Grinding Solution Park” focuses on the latest industrial and scientific solutions while the “Start-Up Area” strengthens young grinding companies. “Today, modern exhibition concepts must take the additional step into the web world and provide online content that helps exhibitors to extend their international reach and awareness,” said Wilfried Schäfer, managing director of the VDW.

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