
Mar 13, 2017

IHEA Fundamentals of Industrial Process Heating Online Learning Course

IHEA's Fundamentals of Industrial Process Heating Online Learning Course is scheduled to begin on March 13, 2017. This course is ideal for students who wish to take the course at home or work in a flexible web-based distance-learning format. It's an affordable alternative to campus-based classes and allows students to go at their own pace. The program offers a vital tool to industrial process heating operators and users of all types of industrial heating equipment. In the instructor-led, interactive online course, students learn safe, efficient operation of industrial heating equipment, how to reduce energy consumption and ways to improve your bottom-line.

This class provides an overview of the fundamentals of heat transfer, fuels and combustion, energy use, furnace design, refractories, automatic control and atmospheres as applied to industrial process heating. Students will gain a basic understanding of heat transfer principles, fuels and combustion equipment, electric heating and instrumentation and control for efficient operation of furnaces and ovens in process heating. Students will also earn PDH's for passing the course. For a complete listing of the course topics visit www.ihea.org and click the Training and Events tab then scroll to Online Course.

This course is led by industry expert Max Hoetzl, retired vice president of surface combustion. He brings more than 40 years' experience in the combustion industry to IHEA's online course. Hoetzl will have scheduled online office hours to assist with student questions and offer guidance throughout the course. 

IHEA member Nutec Bickley has enrolled several employees in previous online Fundamentals of Process Heating courses. Nutec Bickley President, Daniel Llaguno states, "The IHEA online courses have proved to be an excellent training tool for our young engineers. Deeper combustion knowledge coupled with the experience of Max Hoetzl as instructor, has been a great way to develop talent within our company."

This is a 6-week online course beginning on March 13. Registration fee includes course instruction, live interaction with the instructor, class forums to interact with other students, plus an electronic copy of IHEA's Fundamentals of Process Heating Course Handbook. Registration is open now through March 8 at www.ihea.org. Click the Training and Events tab on the top menu bar then scroll down to Online Course. Cost for IHEA members is $700 and non-members is $875 which includes online access to materials, quizzes and projects as well as the opportunity to contact the instructor. Printed materials are available for an additional fee.

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