
Mar 6, 2011

Manufacturing for Growth

Chandler, AZ. Four leading associations of small- and medium-sized manufacturing companies recently announced that they are combining resources to host the inaugural Manufacturing for Growth (MFG) meeting, a gathering of hundreds of manufacturing leaders. Collectively representing a cross-section of the industry, the Association for Manufacturing Technology (AMT), the American Machine Tool Distributors' Association (AMTDA), the National Tooling and Machining Association (NTMA) and the Precision Metalforming Association (PMA) will combine their annual meetings to pursue the common goal of building sustained U.S. economic growth by strengthening the country's manufacturing sector. Together, the four associations comprise more than 4,000 small and medium-sized manufacturers from all 50 states that provide products for the aerospace, automotive, construction, energy, medical and many other industries in the United States and abroad.  By sharing resources, the Manufacturing for Growth conference will provide an opportunity for more than 500 top manufacturing executives to exchange best practices as the industry seeks to reassert and expand its U.S. economic footprint.

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