
May 5, 2015

Product News Industry News

Expanite Provides Unique Benefits With Stainless Steel Hardening Lineup

Whether it’s SuperExpanite, ExpaniteLow-T and ExpaniteHigh-T patented processes, the Expanite company is able to surface harden austenitic, martensitic, ferritic and duplex grades of stainless steel to reduce wear, fatigue, galling while maintaining or even improving corrosion resistance.
The patented Expanite processes were developed over a 10 year period by professors and PhD. students at the Technical Universtiy of Denmark (DTU). The ability to customize each process to the specific needs of the customer, application and alloy, is unique in the industry. Not only does it harden the surface, it offers customers greater flexibility in the selection of materials and geometries.
Expanite is a clean process which produces no residue – parts go in clean, and come out clean. With Expanite’s ability to offer customers a choice between in-house production or fast turn-around at one of its global production facilities, parts are delivered when customer need them; with no post-treatment cleaning or processing.  
With Expanite's processes, it is possible to increase the material’s surface hardness tenfold (1200 – 1800 HV) and core hardness depths greater than 2 mm have been achieved, while increasing corrosion resistance.  
SuperExpanite treated Austenitic stainless steel has been tested to withstand 1300+ hours of salt-spray with no corrosion detected.
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