
January 14, 2006

Industry News

ExxonMobil’s New Industrial Gear Oils Surpasses Demanding Industry Specifications

ExxonMobil’s new Mobilgear 600XP Series of premium industrial gear oils has been announced worldwide. Its balanced formulation allows the Mobilgear 600 XP to deliver under demanding operating conditions According to the company’s press release, the new oil can surpass the Flender BA Table 7300 A, DIN 51517 Part 3 and AGMA 9005 E02 industry specifications. Mobilgear 600 XP is formulated to minimize wear and enhance performance of all critical gearbox applications, such as gears, bearings and seals. The gear oil helps control micropitting and other forms of gear wear. Its formation improves bearing and corrosion resistance while remaining compatible with gearbox sealing material. Additionally, the Mobilgear 600 XP is designed to reduce the formation of oil degredation by-products that can lead to frequent oil changes. Bob Errichello, president of the GEARTECH consulting firm says, "All gear metallurgies are susceptible to wear and without the appropriate lubrication, this can lead to machine failure. Gear oils need to have basestocks and additives that are properly balanced to protect against micropitting, macropitting, scuffing and corrosion."
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