FTM 2024 Call for Papers
Courtney Carroll, Technical Publications Manager, AGMA Technical Services
For each FTM, AGMA selects abstracts submitted by authors for development into technical papers. Subject matter may include topics relevant to the gear industry, such as design and analysis; manufacturing and quality; materials, metallurgy, and heat treatment; operation, maintenance, and efficiency; and gear failure. The papers then go through a double-blind peer review process to ensure the efficacy of the research. The authors then present the results of their work at the FTM. We encourage industry experts and professionals to submit an abstract. Abstracts that are selected to become papers should be on relevant technical subjects, original to the AGMA audience (not a paper that has been previously published in its submitted form), technically accurate, and free of commercialism. All papers presented at FTM will be indexed in Scopus, the international database of peer-reviewed literature. AGMA will waive the FTM registration fee for ONE presenter per paper accepted for presentation. Full registrations will include all FTM events. All Fall Technical Meeting questions should be sent to: FTM@agma.org
Important Notes
- For your paper to be considered for publication and presentation at the FTM, you must first submit an abstract to AGMA by January 19, 2024. Late abstracts will not be accepted.
- The submission process for this event will take place entirely online; abstracts submitted any other way will not be considered for the event. More information regarding the abstract submission process is available on AGMA’s website and in our ongoing email communications. You can access the online submission system now through a link on the AGMA website at: https://catalyst.omnipress.com/#event-home/agma2024
- Authors will sign an AGMA copyright form upon submission of their papers.
- All papers should have supporting data to back up claims. If your project has security concerns, such as the inability to share proprietary client information and data, please consult your legal department before submitting your abstract.
- It is recommended that authors of selected papers begin early in obtaining any required approvals or funding for submitting and presenting a paper at FTM. All presenters are responsible for their travel expenses, including airfare, hotel accommodation, and any necessary visas or travel documentation.
- If the presenter is required to obtain a visa to enter the United States, he or she should forward the visa application to AGMA staff by March 29, and the presenter must be able to obtain the visa by June 23.
- All testing and data must be completed before the first draft is due on May 17, 2024.
Abstract Guidelines
Abstracts should be between 200 and 300 words.
For abstract samples and guidance on abstract writing, see the following: http://ecp.engineering.utoronto.ca/online-handbook/components-of-documents/abstracts-and-executive-summaries/