
April 15, 2019

Product News Industry News

FVA Releases FVA-Workbench 5.5 Beta

FVA has released the beta for FVA-Workbench 5.5 offering faster, better, and more user-friendly features. The new FVA-Workbench is easier to use and offers additional new features for improved results. The public beta is now available at the website below. All users with a current license can try the new version now. Anyone without a current license can try the FVA-Workbench for six weeks free of charge. The FVA-Workbench 5.5 Beta Workshop was held March 27-28 in Garching. FVA would like to thank everyone who participated for their valuable feedback and suggestions. Users can also help with testing in the next beta workshop as FVA will offer direct access to expert support and explain the latest features.

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