GAM Gear Merges into GAM Enterprises
GAM, a leading manufacturer of precision gear reducers, servo couplings, linear mounting kits, and other innovative products used in automation technology announces the merger of GAM Gear, LLC into GAM Enterprises, Inc. GAM Enterprises, Inc. was founded in 1990 when Gary Michalek introduced a line of servo bellows couplings to the North American machine tool market. In 1998, GAM Gear, LLC, was started in order to bring to market a complementary range of servo gearboxes. At the time, GAM Gear was launched as a separate entity from GAM Enterprises, Inc. for legal and financial reasons. “We chose to adopt the legal name GAM Enterprises, Inc. because it reflects our overall range of product types as well as it leaves open the possibility for future product expansion,” stated Gary Michalek, CEO of GAM. “The name GAM Gear will be kept as a brand name under GAM Enterprises, Inc.”.
The most significant outcome of the merger was the consolidation of two ERP systems into one. Having a single database will drastically improve the processing and reporting capabilities in GAM’s accounting, production, and sales functions. The process of merging companies was a large undertaking that required an elevated level of teamwork between GAM and external consultants. “I would like to compliment you on having formed the team at GAM that showed the patience and perseverance required to achieve a very difficult goal,” said Dan Johnson, independent IT advisor who lead the technical aspects of the merger, “You may take my word for the fact that I know of no other company that could accomplish a month end, quarter end and major business software environment change in one working day”.
Customer service at GAM will also see a substantial improvement as order processing times will decrease. Customers will now also be able to order gearboxes, couplings, or any other GAM products on the same purchase order. “We are excited about this change as it will streamline many of our processes and open the opportunity for gains in efficiency,” said Craig Van den Avont, president of GAM. “Having all products within one company will also make it easier for our customers and our channel partners to do business with us.”