2015 Fall Technical Meeting (FTM)
and Presentations
Presented by: American Gear Manufacturers Association
Sunday, October 18 — Tuesday, October 22
8:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m.
Anyone even remotely involved with
the gear industry knows that Gear
Expo is B-I-G. Every two years, it is
an invaluable opportunity for buyers,
sellers and just-lookers to come
together and glorify gearing.
But one can’t help wondering how
many exhibitors and attendees even
think about the two days that precede
the show, i.e. — the Fall Technical
Meeting. It must be important,
because they convene this gathering
every year — not every other year. And
important it surely is — today more
than ever. With the ongoing dearth of
new and qualified workers for the gear
industry, educating and re-educating
the people we do have in our corner
of the work world is paramount. With
that in mind, let’s see what’s on offer
for the 2015 Annual Fall Technical
Meeting. (Go to
Detroit for course pricing.)
Register for an education course and
receive a complimentary pass to the
exhibit hall. Bring colleagues along to
qualify for group pricing and benefits.
Monitor for
upcoming information on group pricing.
AGMA’s Fall Technical Meeting is a
great opportunity for anyone in the
gear industry who is interested in the
latest research and technical developments
in gearing. The 2015 FTM will
have 25 presentations divided into
five sessions over three days.
Authors and Abstracts
Session I — Materials & Heat
Influence of Surface Finishing on the
Load Capacity of Coated and Uncoated
Spur Gears
Philip Konowalczyk:
M.Sc., Laboratory
for Machine Tools
and Production
Engineering (WZL)
of RWTH Aachen
Brent Marsh, Sandvik
This presentation will
provide a comprehensive
view of topics
such as tool selection,
material selection, and surface finish
requirements to assist the manufacturing
engineer or process planner
in successfully choosing the design
of disc mill cutters, in order to make
cost effective cylindrical gears to the
appropriate quality.
Simulation of Hobbing and Generation
Grinding to Solve Quality & Noise
Gravel, Institute
for Production
Engineering, Hamburg
University of Applied
Sciences (HAW)
When deviations occur during generation
manufacturing of gear teeth, it is
not easy to pinpoint the causes due to
the tool design and complex kinematics.
A simulation tool has been developed
to allow the simulation of typical
faults that occur during hobbing and generation grinding to help solve
quality and noise problems. This presentation
will discuss practical examples
to demonstrate applications for
the simulation program.
Session III — Gear Application
Thermal Capacity of a Multi-stage
Benny Wemekamp, SKF Engineering
Research Centre
In many industrial gearbox applications,
the thermal rating is a key factor
in the practical utilization of the
gearbox. A simulation tool that goes
beyond traditional thermal estimation
methods, such as those found in ISO/
TR 14179, by calculating the interaction
between heat losses, thermal
expansions, and (bearing) pre-loading,
has been used to understand the
interaction between mechanical and
thermal equilibrium.
Minimum Backlash of Helical Gear
Pairs in Complex Shaft Gearbox
Dr. Carlos Wink, Eaton Corporation -
Vehicle Group
Increasingly, there has been pressure
on gearbox designers to reduce
the noise produced from a gearbox,
especially in the truck market where
engines are running at lower speeds
to increase fuel efficiency. An analytical
model was developed to determine
the minimum backlash of each
gear pair when not transmitting load,
and thus susceptible to generating
a noise, at lower transmission power
New Refinements to the Use of AGMA
Load Reversal and Reliability Factors
Ernie Reiter, P. Eng.,
Web Gear Services Ltd.
Information will be
presented on two
ways to calculate a
load reversal factor,
which will be material specific,
based either on Modified Goodman or
Gerber failure theories. This presentation
will further provide a method
of calculating the reliability factors
which very closely match the tables
found in ANSI/AGMA 2101-D04.
Harmonized Assessment of the Design
Reliability of Wind Turbine Gearboxes
Douglas Guthrie, Vestas Wind Systems
This presentation posits a new
approach for assessing design reliability
of wind turbine gearboxes. The
deterministic approach in prevailing
standards does not allow designers
to predict failure rates over time, but
expresses strength by a safety factor
for a given duty cycle. This paper
suggests a harmonized method for
assessing the design reliability of
wind turbine gearboxes.
Homogeneous Geometry
Calculation of Arbitrary Tooth
Shapes — Mathematical Approach and
Practical Applications
Dipl.-Ing. Maximilian
Zimmer, Gear
Research Centre (FZG),
Technical University
of Munich
This presentation will
outline a mathematical framework,
and its implementation, for calculating
the tooth geometry of arbitrary
gear types, based on the basic law of
gear kinematics. The mathematical
algorithms are summarized in implemented
software modules for the particular
gear types.
Rating for Asymmetric
Tooth Gears
Dr. Alexander L.
Kapelevich, AKGears,
This presentation
will describe a rating
approach for asymmetric tooth gears
by their bending and contact stress
levels in comparison with equivalent
symmetric tooth gears, whose rating
is defined by standards. This approach
applies FEA for bending stress definition
and the Hertz equation for contact
stress definition. It defines equivalency
factors for practical asymmetric
tooth gear design and rating.
Session IV — Lubrication,
Efficiency, Noise & Vibration
Worm Gear Efficiency Estimation and
Massimiliano Turci,
Studio Tecnico Turci
This presentation
will outline the comparison
of efficiencies
and of transmissible
torques of worm gear drives with center
distance sized from 28 mm to 150
mm and single reduction from 5 to
100, calculated by several standards
(AGMA, ISO, DIN, BS). It will also outline
the experimental works required
for the calibration of an analytical
model, now used for bevel and cylindrical
gears only, but ready to become
suitable to predict worm gear drive
efficiency too.
Investigations on the Efficiency of
Worm Gear Drives
Dipl. Ing. Eva Maria Reitinger, Gear
Research (FZG), Technical University of
This presentation will examine the
efficiency and the load carrying
capacity of worm gears. The tests performed
consisted of generally pairing
a bronze worm wheel with a case
hardened worm with center distances
between a 65 and 315 mm. In the
course of these investigations, overall
gearbox efficiencies of up to η = 96%
were achieved.
Polish Grinding Gears for Higher
Transmission Efficiency
Walter Graf, Reishauer
This presentation
introduces a new gear
polish grinding process
and describes its
multiple benefits, especially to makers
of automotive transmissions. The
overall increase in efficiency realized
through the new polish grinding process
has been demonstrated through
independent scientific studies and
field trials. The production process
and economic considerations of this
new process will also be discussed.
Development of a New Class of
Industrial Gear Oil
David B. Gray, Evonik
Oil Additives
A new class of industrial
gear lubricants,
based on alternative
synthetic materials,
has been developed to satisfy the
critical market performance expectations,
ensure global supply chain
security, and address both economic
and performance challenges. This presentation
will describe the technical
aspects of the novel synthetic gear oil
lubricant approach.
Noise Reduction in an EV Hub Drive
Using a Full Test and Simulation
Dr. Owen Harris,
Smart Manufacturing
Technology, Ltd.
With the current
trend towards electric
vehicles more work is
being conducted in the area of noise
reduction specific to these vehicles.
This presentation will outline a series
of tests and simulations that have
been performed to specifically look
at noise reduction in an EV hub drive.
A detailed methodology is presented,
combining both a full series of tests
and advanced simulation to troubleshoot
and optimize an EV hub drive
for noise reduction.
Tribological Coating Wear and
Durability Performance Guideline for
Gear Applications
Randy Kruse, The Timken Company
It is important to understand the performance
enhancement limits of DLC
tribological coatings so that gear and
bearing engineers can accurately specify
and predict system life. This presentation
reports the results of testing a
tungsten incorporated diamond-like
carbon coating as applied to SAE4320
and AMS6308 gear materials using a
ball on disk test machine under conditions
that simulate the contact stresses
and sliding velocities of gears.
Session V — Gear Wear & Failure
An Experimental Evaluation of the
Procedures of the ISO TR 15144
Technical Report for the Prediction of
Donald R. Houser, The
Ohio State University
This presentation
will provide practical
information on some
of the idiosyncrasies
of using the ISO/TR 15144 micropitting
prediction methodology. A review
of the ISO methodologies is presented
and its application in a spreadsheet
analysis using contact stresses predicted
from load distribution prediction
is discussed.
Calculating the Risk of Micropitting
Using ISO Technical Report 15144-
1:2014 –Validation with Practical
Dr. Burkhard
Pinnekamp, RENK AG
This presentation
describes the calculation
method in
ISO Technical Report
15144-1:2014 and its application to
examples where micropitting has either occurred or not. The examples
give evidence that the Technical
Report reliably predicts the risk of
micropitting where it is later found on
the gear flanks, and it does not do so
when the gears run without micropitting.
Wear: A New Approach for an ‘Old’
Failure Phenomenon of Gears
Dr. Ing. Ulrich Kissling,
This presentation outlines
research conducted
on gear wear
and how it affects
the performance of the gear over
time. The progress of wear is calculated
step by step because the tooth
form changes as it becomes worn,
and therefore the load distribution
will change over the meshing. This
new calculation method predicts the
modification of the tooth contact area
through wear and the consequences
for the gear behavior.
Application of Advanced Mesh
Analysis to Eliminate Pinion Field
Terry Klaves, Power
Solutions — Regal
Beloit America, Inc.
This presentation will
walk through a specific case study
involving field macro pitting failures
on production helical gearing. It will
include evaluation of the pitting failures
for root cause, review of gearing
service factors, and application
of advanced mesh analysis tools to
define root cause of the failures.
Tooth Flank Fracture — Influence of
Macro- and Micro-geometry
Dr. Stefan Beermann,
This presentation
discusses the first
results obtained from
a systematic variation
of gear parameters — both for the
macro geometry, (mainly the pressure
angle) and the micro geometry (with
tip reliefs of various kinds and profile
crowning)–to show the influence of
these parameters as modeled by the method being developed by ISO/TC 60
Working Group 6.
In addition to the regular FTM presentations,
AGMA is also offering a number
of educational courses:
- Gearbox Maintenance
- Why Bearings are Damaged
- How to Specify a Gear System
- Lubrication of Gearing
- High Profile Contact Ratio Gearing:
Concept, Advantages, Comparison &
- Design of Net Shape Gears using
Plastic and Powder Metal Materials
- Basics of Gearing
- Counterfeit Bearings: What You
Need to Know
- Taming Tooth Deflections: The Case
for Profile Modifications
- Materials Selection and Heat
Treatment of Gears
- Cylindrical Gear Inspection: Chart
Reading and Interpretation
For a full list of course titles and
descriptions, visit