Gear Expo Preview: EMAG Booth 327
The EMAG Group products cover a wide spectrum of machining processes in the metalworking industry. Whether chucked, shaft-type or cubic components, the companies under the EMAG umbrella offer solutions for many customer requirements. With its variety of technology centers EMAG has become an important partner in the realization of complete process streams for the manufacture of transmission, engine and chassis components. The company's focus is on complete machining processes that allow the customer to machine everything in one set-up.
"EMAG will be presenting a new machining platform called the VT. We are hoping to get the word out about this incredible new line and allow the attendees of Gear Expo to see how EMAG is continuing to produce state-of-the-art manufacturing systems for precision metal components," says Peter Loetzner, CEO of EMAG LLC.
With its VT 2, EMAG is introducing a vertical turning machine specially developed for the machining of small chucked components and shafts. The machine is offered in two versions: equipped with pendular technology, for the high-output machining of chucked components of maximum 100 mm diameter; or featuring a tailstock, for the machining of shaft-type components with a maximum length of 400 mm.