
May 6, 2020

Industry News

Gear Motions Pledges to Keep People Safe and Factories Running

In coordination with the Manufacturers Association of Central New York (MACNY), Gear Motions has joined a group of CNY manufacturing companies pledging to keep employees safe and factories running.

Supported by a peer-to-peer review process, the pledge combines the experience, skills, and knowledge of the founding organizations with best practices from noted authorities such as NYS DOH, CDC, OSHA, and WHO.

The pledge includes steps that go above and beyond to keep factories safe for employees and the community. Components include:

Controlling site traffic
Enhanced hygiene
Social distancing and reduced density
Emergency response and quarantine procedures
Robust communication

Message from Gear Motions: "Keep People Safe and Factories Running. We have instituted significant operating enhancements to mitigate the risk associated with the spread of the Novel Coronavirus. We remain committed to, and align with, NYS DOH, CDC, OSHA and WHO guidelines." (gearmotions.com)
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