Geezer World Party On!
It’s unlikely that AARP will find itself in a revenue-generating crisis, but if it occurs, Fred Young of Forest City Gear in Roscoe, IL, is the man with the plan.
Fred Young (left) and Fred Schomaker (right) set sail.
Young’s rounding up his closest friends in the gear industry and considering applying for a synergistic membership (perhaps called GARP—Gear Association of Retired People). Even if his idea doesn’t translate into cheaper movies for his friends, the “Gear Geezers,” as they prefer to be known, are showing up everywhere.
Starting left: Wayne Wellman, Stan Blenke, Dennis Regan and Fred Young do lunch.
Geezer headquarters, a.k.a. Wayne’s World, is the lake house of Wayne Wellman, CEO of Chicago Gear–D.O. James Corp. This summer’s Geezer-pollooza was a record-setter in terms of attendance and chock-full of activity. Several hours before the sun went down—and shortly after the early bird specials took effect—the geezers hit the streets. Gearettes cheered on their favorite geezer during an all-out game of shuffleboard.
(Top left) Dennis Regan, Fred Young, Jack Nowlin and Wayne Wellman. (Bottom left) David Goodfellow, Bipin Doshi and Fred Schomaker take it easy.
As far as the next stage, anyone up for donating a warehouse for conversion into the first-ever Gear Geezer Retirement Home??