
September 2, 2015

Industry News

Governor Charles D. Baker Visits Adcole to Recognize Product Development

Governor Charles D. Baker, Jr. recently visited Adcole Corporation and was accompanied by Jay Ash, secretary of housing and economic development for the commonwealth and several team members. The purpose of his visit was to recognize Adcole’s product development and commitment to quality which formed the basis of a state grant for $95,000 to train local employees in more efficient and LEAN manufacturing techniques.

Founded in 1957, Adcole manufactures precision measuring machines that are used worldwide by leading automobile manufacturers and suppliers for controlling the quality of camshafts, crankshafts, and pistons. Adcole gages let manufacturers achieve the submicron tolerances required to meet the growing demand for high performance, fuel efficient engines.

Adcole’s Aerospace division manufactures sun sensors that provide mission-critical positioning and control.  In addition to being deployed on every GPS satellite orbiting the earth, they stabilized and guided NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft which recently passed within 8,000 miles of Pluto’s surface after a 9-1/2 year, 3 billion mile journey.

“We are proud of our industrious people, history, and leading edge products and believe Adcole Corporation represents the very best of Massachusetts high-tech manufacturers,” said J. Brooks Reece, president of Adcole.

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