
December 3, 2014

Heat Treating Product News Industry News

Grieve Introduces No. 814 Cabinet Oven

No. 814 is a 500 degree, electrically-heated cabinet oven from Grieve, currently used for various plastic and metal part heat treating operations at the customer’s facility. 

Workspace dimensions of the oven measure 22” W x 21” D x 85” H. 18 kW and are installed in Nichrome wire tubular elements to heat the oven chamber, while a 750 CFM, 3/4-HP recirculating blower provides a vertical downward airflow to the workload. 

This Grieve cabinet oven features 4-inch insulated walls, aluminized steel exterior and interior, three integral metal shelves, plus all safety equipment required by NFPA Standard 86 for handling flammable solvents, including a powered forced exhauster, airflow safety switch and purge timer.  

Other controls on No. 814 include a fused disconnect switch, digital temperature controller and manual reset excess temperature controller.   

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