Guyson Introduces Blast Cabinet
Guyson’s single-spindle blast machine allows 360-degree coverage by timed blast- and blow-off cycles, performed as a workpiece rotates. The blast cabinet features a touch-screen panel for spindle rotation speed or blast cycle duration. Both text and graphic indications occur when faults such as insufficient air supply pressure or low media levels are detected. A human operator, automated pick-and-place device or robot can configure the system.
The system is designed to use mineral grit abrasives such as aluminum oxide and silicon carbide to produce a specified texture or roughness on target surfaces. Abrasion protection features are built-in to resist erosion.
Interior surfaces have a bonded, abrasion-resistant rubber lining, as well as urethane rubber hoses that are fitted with hard, boron carbide nozzles. Prospective users of automated gritblasting systems are encouraged to submit sample components for free laboratory testing.