GWJ Introduces 2025 Seminar Schedule
GWJ Technology is starting a new seminar schedule in 2025. This year, GWJ is once again offering a wide range of different seminars that can be booked as online seminars or, if desired, as traditional face-to-face events. The online seminars are designed to be interactive and provide a comprehensive insight into the respective topic. Practical exercises deepen the content. Online seminars take place over two or three days and last two hours each.
The range of seminars includes a variety of topics that provide both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, such as "Basics, Design and Optimization of Cylindrical Gears". This intensive seminar covers basic theoretical knowledge of cylindrical gears. It gives an overview of key terms and definitions. Participants will also learn tips and tricks for the designing and optimizing cylindrical gears - always practical and up to date. Other topics include bevel gears, bolts, shaft-hub connections, shafts and bearings, or System Manager.
The workshops are designed for both new and experienced engineers, designers and technicians who want to refresh their basic knowledge. In all seminars the GWJ products eAssistant, TBK 2014, SystemManager and GearEngineer will be used. No previous knowledge of these programs is required.
In addition to the scheduled dates, GWJ also offers company-specific seminars and workshops in Braunschweig, online or on-site. The content and dates are agreed in advance - a tailor-made seminar to suit the needs of the participants. All seminars are offered in English or German language.