
March 11, 2020

Product News Industry News

GWJ Offers Latest Version of SystemManager

The new SystemManager version - an extension of the standard calculation software eAssistant and TBK - allows users to create shaft geometries using background graphics. A background drawing can be added by pasting it from the clipboard, for example from a PDF document, or as an image (png, jpg, tif, bmp). Then the shaft geometry can be drawn as a polygon. Scaling of the background graphic is also possible. Alternatively, the shaft geometry can consist of several shaft segments. The mouse (left mouse button + SHIFT key) can be used to adjust the lengths and diameters of the shaft segments to the required size. The CAD import as DXF or STEP now also allows a rotation of the drawing in case the shaft axis is not the x-axis.

A new function automates the coupling of the face coefficient KHß and the load capacity calculation of cylindrical gears. This allows the user to see directly the effects of flank modifications on the root and flank safeties of the gear in the system. This is also possible when using load spectra for the calculation. The line loads of all load cases are represented in a diagram. For 3D elastic parts with elastic bearings, now contact between bearing ring and part can be considered. The fitting is then taken into account in the contact model instead in the operating clearance of the bearing.

It is now possible to consider centrifugal expansion on 3D elastic parts. Additional new features for 3D elastic parts are new possibilities for mesh import and mesh export. Also new faces for connection with supports can now be defined directly within the software.

The updated version also features a variety of new interface functions such as the output of diagram values to different formats, freezing of diagrams or copying of curves from one diagram to another. The bearing databases from Schaeffler (INA/FAG) and SKF are updated to latest data from the manufacturers. For data exchange of complete gear systems the FVA´s REXS format is supported in version 1.2.
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