Hainbuch Mando G211 Segmented Mandrel Specialized for Gear Cutting
Hainbuch America Corp. announced a new segmented mandrel specialized for gear cutting.
Clamping solutions for the gear-cutting sector are unique and have very special requirements. With the new Mando G211, you are relying on a standard segmented mandrel. You profit from in-stock segmented clamping bushings.
The Mando G211 is a rigid and narrow mandrel with optimized tool run-out contour and is ideal for use in gear cutting, shaping, and grinding applications. This versatile device also has three end-stop levels placed in different locations, allowing for quick change-over of individual workpiece end-stops. This mandrel is also equipped with a machine coolant connection. The Mando G211 also features rigid radial clamping with pull-back effect, vulcanized clamping bushings which increase clamping range and vibration dampening, and integrated flushing channels.