
August 25, 2009

Industry News

Halifax Rack and Screw Invests in New Equipment

The Cincinnati North America distribution center for Halifax Rack and Screw Cutting Company of Cincinnati, OH and Brighouse, England has invested in 14.5 degree and 20 degree pressure angle gear racks in four-, six- and 12-inch lengths. The investment takes the form of two new pieces of gear rack manufacturing equipment and a stock inventory for the North American market. The equipment allows for quick turnarounds on standard and modified rack for clients in this region.

"HRS invested more than one million Euros in new state-of-the-art equipment last year for our Brighouse production facility," says Rich Easley, North American sales manager for HRS. "This investment ensures our continued ability to supply the highest quality gear racks and screws at competitive pricing. Our inventory additions will support the stimulus programs in U.S. construction."

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