
July 2, 2014

Product News Industry News

Holroyd Precision Examines Energy Recovery

The Rochdale-based screw and compressor rotor prototyping and manufacturing business has recently begun supplying the ultra-precise carbon steel helical rotor pairs that will be used in the steam screw expanders produced at Heliex Power Limited’s manufacturing facility in East Kilbride, Scotland. The relationship between Heliex Power and Holroyd Precision Components, however, began in earnest in 2010 when Heliex CEO, Dan Wright, approached the company to prototype rotors designed in conjunction with City University London. A large number of industrial processes release ‘low grade’ heat to the environment and expanders can use that heat to produce clean electrical power through the efficient expansion of wet steam. In Heliex Power’s innovative process, which uses precision-engineered rotor pairs from Holroyd Precision Components, rotary screw expanders recover low grade energy from wet steam or two-phase fluids in order to generate clean electricity. Simple and robust, Heliex’s technology generates power in parallel with existing pressure reduction valves (PRV) and through industrial waste heat recovery steam installations. Based on the proven twin rotary screw principle, the expanders convert waste heat to energy via a simple and cost-effective Rankine Cycle (the mathematical formula used to predict the performance of steam engines). Additionally, unlike conventional turbines, the Heliex process can deliver energy from wet steam, thus eliminating the need for costly timing gears and other expensive components, such as refrigerants as used in ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) systems. “The opportunities for Heliex Power’s expanders across industry are considerable,” adds Simon Rhodes. “They include pressure valve replacement in food, paper, pharmaceutical, petrochemical and other processes; biomass and biogas installations, and industrial and marine diesel and gas engine exhaust and process flue gasses. The novel wet steam cycle offered by Heliex’s expanders also provides the opportunity to increase power generation from Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants. We look forward to continuing to assist Heliex as the awareness of their technology grows.”
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