
November 20, 2012

Heat Treating Product News Industry News

Hudapack Selects AFC Holcroft Furnace Line

Hudapack Metal Treating, a commercial heat treating operation with multiple locations in the Midwest, has selected AFC-Holcroft of Wixom, Michigan to supply a new batch heat treating system to their Elkhorn, Wisconsin facility. The order is comprised of two 36-72-36 UBQ (Universal Batch Quench) furnaces with atmosphere top cool chambers, two UBT temper furnaces, one UBTN nitrogen temper furnace and companion equipment. The equipment will include AFC-Holcroft's BatchMaster controls, Honeywell instruments and will be CQI-9 compliant. The new installation will also include a new EZ-Series 9000 CFH endothermic generator. The equipment provided has a 6,000 lb gross load capacity and will give Hudapack flexibility in the volume and types of parts for processing, as well as greater control over production and metallurgical processes. The new batch line will be installed in a brand new 25,000 square foot addition to the Elkhorn plant (planned to grow to 70,000 square feet). The entire project is scheduled for completion in the second quarter of 2013. Says Gary Huss of Hudapack, “We look forward to this expansion with the addition of these new state of the art AFC-Holcroft furnaces with which we will better serve our existing customers and create more opportunities with new potential customers. The success and growth of our company is directly related to the diversity of the types of parts we heat treat, and taking the time and care to achieve the optimum metallurgical results." Tracy Dougherty of AFC-Holcroft says of Hudapack, “Hudapack is the kind of customer we like. The Hudapack staff were thorough with their requirements, prepared their questions thoughtfully and were well prepared for discussions. They are knowledgeable customers, and as such have a greater appreciation for some of the subtle benefits of owning AFC-Holcroft equipment.”
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