
July 21, 2016

Industry News

HxGN Live 2016 Focuses on Smart Manufacturing

The Manufacturing Intelligence Track at HxGN Live 2016 closed on Thursday, June 16 as attendees joined the final technical sessions after four days of visionary keynotes, advanced training, user meetings and networking events. HxGN Live is the largest event that shines a spotlight on Hexagon and its vast solutions portfolio. Attended by more than 3,000 people from all over the world, HxGN Live enjoyed a successful transfer to the Anaheim Convention Center in California - also its location for 2017.

Following Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence President Norbert Hanke's opening keynote, ‘The Shape of Progress', the Manufacturing Intelligence Track's Automation and Industry 4.0 Summit took a deep dive into the meaning of smart manufacturing. Hosted by Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence's Paolo Guglielmini and Zvonimir Kotnik, this headline session featured an invited panel of industry experts.

Detlef Zuehlke of SmartFactoryKL spoke about the origins of Industry 4.0 and explained some of the ongoing research in the field, before handing over to Michel Gadbois of iBASEt. Gadbois' presentation, ‘Surfing the Digital Thread', looked at current applications of smart processes in the aerospace industry and gave a compelling case for implementation. Finally, both guest speakers were joined on stage by Hexagon customers, who were invited to share their experiences of implementing Industry 4.0 principles. The group then took questions from the floor in a lively panel discussion.

"Having key customers willing to shape progress with us over the course of four days gives us an incredible opportunity to share their expectations, future projects and challenges," said Anne Willimann, director of global marketing communications at Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence. "At HxGN Live, we really have quality time together. And for a global solutions provider like us, this is hugely valuable. We appreciate how honest our customers are with us and they welcome our open mindset. It's been great to engage with so many people here in Anaheim."

HxGN Live and the Manufacturing Intelligence Track will return to Anaheim from June 12 - 15 2017, with Priority Rate registration already open at hxgnlive.com. Material from the 2016 event, including full-length recordings of the Manufacturing Intelligence Track keynote and the Automation and Industry 4.0 Summit, is available to view on demand at HxGN's website, hxgntv.com.

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