
August 17, 2016

Heat Treating Industry News

Improving Process Heating System Performance: A Sourcebook for Industry, Third Edition Available for Download

Improving Process Heating System Performance: A Sourcebook for Industry, 3rd Edition is now available for download. This Sourcebook is part of an initiative under the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Industrial Technologies Program (ITP) and the Industrial Heating Equipment Association (IHEA) which began more than ten years ago when the first Sourcebook was published. The ITP and IHEA undertook this project as part of a series of Sourcebook publications on industrial utility systems. Other topics in this series include compressed air systems, pumping systems, fan systems, steam systems and motors and drives.

This sourcebook describes basicĀ process heatingĀ applications and equipment and outlines opportunities for energy and performance improvements. It also discusses the merits of using a systems approach in identifying and implementing these improvement opportunities. It is not intended to be a comprehensive technical text on improving process heating systems, but serves to raise awareness of potential performance improvement opportunities, provides practical guidelines, and offers suggestions on where to find additional help.

IHEA's mission is to provide services that will enhance member company capabilities to serve end users in the industrial heat processing industry and improve the business performance of member companies. Consistent with that mission, IHEA supports energy efficiency improvement efforts that provide cost savings, performance benefits, and other competitive advantages that enable success in the global marketplace.

Improving Process Heating Performance Sourcebook is available for download at no charge on the IHEA website below. Click the Publications tab and scroll down to Books.

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